Together for Good
What do we value the most?
Drawing attention to the person of Jesus Christ and His gospel.
Why do we value that the most?
Because it is the most strategic way to display the glory and fame of God.
What does that value accomplish?
The salvation of men and women as they surrender to Christ.
What do those values look like in real life?
We are not a perfect church, but we are a committed gathering of believers, followers of Jesus, striving to be together in the 14 values below.
Together for God’s Sovereignty
desiring to embrace and enjoy that God is sovereign and supreme in and over all created things and in and over all events past, present and future
Together for Absolute Truth
desiring to embrace and enjoy the teaching and preaching of the Bible and acknowledge the Scriptures as the most convicting, most satisfying and ultimate source of written truth
Together for Confident Prayer
desiring to cultivate an atmosphere of prayer that urges the church to consistently have great confidence in God
Together for Making Disciples
desiring to make disciples through intentional, one-on-one relationships of investing Christ that give birth to more intentional, one-on-one relationships of investing Christ
Together for Joyful Nations
desiring to make the nations glad by praying for and investing in the work of the gospel among unreached people groups, in the persecuted church, and through ministries that share our values
Together for Maximum Relationships
desiring to maintain an atmosphere that encourages those in our fellowship to take maximum advantage of opportunities to build evangelistic relationships with others
Together for Genuine Conversions
desiring to affirm that God converts a person only through repentance toward Himself and faith in Christ, and that godly living is the evidence of true biblical conversion
Together for Meaningful Membership
desiring to esteem the privilege of church membership as a living commitment to the local church that is marked with consistent attendance, confident prayer, generous giving, and accountable conduct
Together for Generous Giving
desiring to think about our money and our possessions as God’s resources that we have been called to handle in a way that primarily raises our standard of giving, not our standard of living
Together for Committed Fellowship
desiring that fellowship be primarily viewed as sharing the joy and hardship of life together, not simply participating in comfortable gatherings
Together for Truth-Filled Homes
desiring to affirm that the home is the primary campus for adults, children, and students to learn God’s truth and that the church is a secondary campus of support and encouragement
Together for Servant Leadership
desiring to regularly affirm leadership positions in the church, and also desiring to joyfully submit to and trust in their leadership
Together for Musical Worship
desiring to place primary attention on musical worship that reflects the person of God and His character and secondary attention on any current or former type of musical style
Together for Expanding Churches
desiring to place primary attention on making disciples and expanding the work of the gospel through gospel-centered churches and placing secondary attention on simply growing numerically or expanding building facilities